
Meet Umbreon!

11:55:00 PM

Umbreon is a quadruped mammalian Pokémon that resembles a black cat, black rabbit, or black fox. Umbreon has mainly sleek black fur with luminescent yellow rings encircling its ears and tail, and round yellow circular patterns on its forehead and on each of its upper legs. The rings glow when under the influence of moonlight. Its physical characteristics are vulpine-like, but also feline-like as well, with a short muzzle with a small triangular nose. It has crimson eyes, and unlike it's fellow eeveelutions, it also has visible black colored oval shaped pupils . Umbreon has a slightly bushy black tail with a single yellow ring encircling its thickest part; the tail thins out at the tip. Umbreon has small sharp fangs, seen when it opens its mouth.
Eevee's much smaller body had been transformed under the influence of the moon's aura. For it to evolve, an Eevee must have full trust and friendship with its trainer during the night (in the games it is the same but Eevee must be leveled up during the night).

Umbreon stalks silently during the night, hunting for prey under the cover of darkness. When it senses an enemy's presence, it waits for its enemy to come into range. When it attacks, its rings give off a bright golden light.

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